International Cat Show in Koscian

International Cat Show in Kościan 12-13 April 2025

The Poznań AmoFeles Cat Club and the Local Government of Kościan Town would like to invite you to the 3rd and 4th International Cat Show in Kościan. The show is taking place under the Patronage of the President of Kościan County.

XXXV Anniversary of the appearance of Norwegian Forest Cats in Poland

(The event is taking place under the Patronage of PFF Felis Polonia) 

Obrazek (Photo)


Saturday:         12.04.2025
Sunday:           13.04.2025

The Marian Koszewski Primary School No.4

  1. Baraniaka 1,
    64-000 Kościan

(the school building can be accessed from Uczniowska Street)


– Mrs. Britta Busse (DE)- All breed
– Mr. Sebastian Pruchniak (PL) -All breed
– Mr. Vladimir Isakov (BY) – All breed
– Mr. Robert Lubrano (FR)- Cat. 1,2,4

*The organizer reserves the right to change the list of judges.

Chief steward: Magdalena Musialska. Please email your applications to:

Deadline for applications: 29.03.2025 or until the maximum venue capacity has been reached.

Saturday / Sunday
8:30- 10:00       Cat admissions            8:00-8:30
10:00– 10:15    Colour evaluation          8:30 – 8.45
10:30– 15:00    Judging                        9:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 18:30   Best in Show                14:00-16:30


Best in Show panel will be performed as Best in Category



  1. Special Norwegian Forest Cats Show or NFO Breed Best in Show depending on the number of cats registered.
  2. Special competition for NFO cats above 7 years of age.

The following prizes will awarded:

Best NFO Coat
Best NFO Tail
Best NFO Expression
Best NFO Profile
Best NFO Ears

Online registration:

Entry fee must be paid before 04.04.2025

Online Show registration will be closed when the required number of cats has been registered.

Registering for the show means accepting all the requirements and the obligation to pay (FIFe Show Regulations Art. 1.15 item a). The organizer reserves the right to reject a show registration without giving a reason.  

SHOW FEES: Fees for breeders Day 1   / Day 1 & 2

– one cat (class – 45Euro/ 60Euro
– neuter, veteran, domestic cat – 35 Euro/ 45 Euro
– litter – 65 Euro / 70 Euro
– colour evaluation fee –  15 Euro
Upgrade to a double cage for one cat  15 Euro per day – for two days 30 Euro
Payment made at the show 15 Euro 


– class 1,3,5,7,9,11,12: Day 1 – 35 Euro per cat Day 1 &2  – 50 Euro  per cat,
– neuter: Day 1 – 30 Euro per cat, Day 1 & 2– 40 Euro per cat,
veteran and cats above 7 years of age  – Free admission provided that at least one cat is registered in class 1,3,5,7,9,11,12 or a neuter under 7 years of age. 

Special discount for AMOFELES CLUB members.
For cats registered for Saturday and Sunday a discount of 20PLN on the basic price.

Payment information
Bank account No. for payments in PLN: 86 1940 1076 3229 1124 0000 0000
Bank account No. for payments made in Euro: PL42 1940 1076 3229 2772 0000 0000
In payment title please enter: Name of breeder, name of cat and name of cattery. Breeders wishing to show cats in their own cages are kindly asked to inform the organizers when submitting the registration.

Veterinary health check
All cats registered for the show must be microchipped, healthy and free from infectious and parasitic diseases. They must be vaccinated in accordance with the national veterinary regulations. Mandatory vaccinations include vaccine against feline viral rhinotracheitis and panleukopenia administered not later than 2 years (730 days) and earlier than 15 days before the show. Hearing assessment certificate must be presented for all white cats. All cats taking part in the show must have their claws trimmed.

Show regulations
All regulations and rules by FIFe and the Polish Feline Federation Felis Polonia are in effect. To be entered for the show a cat must be four months old, show registered and pass the veterinary health check. During the show all cats must stay in their decorated cages. Submitting the show online registration form means accepting all show terms and conditions including the financial obligations as well as agreement to the processing of participants’ personal data by the show organizer. All breeders taking part in the show must hold the cat’s health record book or cat’s passport showing up-to-date vaccinations and a chip number. Breeders must also be able to present fee payment confirmation. 

Note: We would like to remind all breeders about the new FIFe show rules concerning the cats’ well-being during the show.

Car park facilities: the venue car park is free, however, the number of parking spaces is limited.

Additional information:

Show cages: 60cmx60cmx65cm(height). They have no solid bottom (only metal grating).

All cats registered for the show will be included in the e-catalogue. The show will be open to public (ticket admissions).

Certificates will be handed out after Best in Show panel. Earlier collection of the certificate / leaving the show early is subject to a fee of 150PLN.

If you are interested in booking a hotel and need assistance from our club please e-mail us at email subject: HOTEL.